Now that you’ve been introduced to our Lot, let’s introduce the family:
- Alea: English major who loves writing for Norco Trailers at work, watching Netflix while blogging or relaxing at home with Tony Jr. She also volunteers as the Website Chair for Norco Horseweek.
- Tony Jr. (we call him Junior out of convenience, even though he’s not a Jr. since they have different middle names): Psychology major who chose to join the family business selling trailers! Tony enjoys unwinding by playing video games, bowling, and off-roading with his wife (Alea) in their Jeep Wrangler!
- Tony Sr. (Antonio a.k.a. The Bossman): Established his business in 1987. Now he enjoys selling trailers with his son (Tony), daughter (Brittany), and daughter-in-law (Alea) at Norco Trailers! On his off-time Tony serves as the President of Norco Horseweek, and has been perfecting the craft of smoking and grilling meat.
- Sunday (Yes, just like the day): Has worked with Tony from the beginning figuring out and doing everything that needed to be done for the business. She spends her time volunteering for many local community organizations, as well as serving as Advertising Chair for Norco Horseweek.
- Brittany (The Beautiful Bride pictured): Biochemistry major who wears many caps at Norco Trailers, overseeing Parts, Quotes, Sales, and the Office all at once! She’s able to unwind with her husband (Jason on right) over a delicious home cooked meal and a delicious bottle of wine.
- Jason: Married a member of the Norco Trailers family, so as you can expect he’s been picking up and towing some trailers home from the factory with Brittany. Jason also serves as a volunteer for Norco Horseweek as the Rodeo Chair, while Brittany volunteers as VIP Chair overseeing the VIP section during the Rodeo!
Other family members you can expect to see on our Blog:

- In focus, is McGruff: He’s an English Bull Dog that is always getting into shenanigans and having misadventures with his best friend Polly at Norco Trailers!
- Polly, the French Bull Dog on the right: She’s the ultimate cuddler who can hold her own in wrestling contests with the big bully, McGruff.
And That’s Our Team here at Norco Trailers!
You’ll learn more about us as we share our insights gained as Authorized Dealers of the Best Quality, National Name Brand Trailers on the market!Reading Our Blog Will Offer You:
- Information about our Quality Brands
- Comparisons between our brands and models
- The Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting trailers
- Posts to help you make an Informed Decision on your next trailer purchase
- Instructions on proper loading and towing techniques
- Mouthwatering recipes, so you’ll know how to bake that delicious treat you had while purchasing your trailer at Norco Trailers
- and more!