As a small business, we value our customer’s businesses and because we are always impressed with their trailer renovation projects, we wanted to share some pictures our customers recently shared with us! These ingenious entrepreneurs needed a trailer for their budding fashion boutique business, so they decided to purchase one of the highest quality National Name Brand trailers from Norco Trailers, and then completely customized it to perfectly meet their unique needs.
Customer Spotlight:
@LuLaRoeLauraDrum‘s Mobile Boutique Trailer Remodel

Of course they chose to wrap their trailer with their business info…Wrapping your enclosed cargo trailer is such a Great Marketing Strategy for your business

They painted the interior a vibrant blue to make the store interior Pop!

Then they installed clothing racks and shelves for their merchandise

They finished off the interior with laminate flooring, installed a cash stand counter, and hung the partition for a dressing room!

And now the shelves are full in their Mobile Retail Boutique, and Business is looking up!

How’s that for some DIY inspiration?!
If you were searching for inspiration for a DIY trailer conversion project, we hope you enjoyed this Norco Trailers’ Customer Spotlight! These DIYer-entrepreneurs took an entry-level car hauler enclosed cargo trailer and completely customized it for their mobile retail boutique business’s needs!
We hope we’ve planted the seeds of inspiration sharing our customer’s practical, organized, and vibrant retail store interior renovation! For more information about this DIY project contact @LuLaRoeLauraDrum on Instagram.
Intrigued by LuLaRoeLauraDrum’s Mobile Fashion Boutique? Click Here to Shop the Store Now
Do you need an enclosed trailer for your mobile retail fashion store?
Norco Trailers’ National Name Brands: Pace American, Look Trailers, Featherlite, and Haulmark trailers offer a range of models from entry level, mid-level, and premium enclosed car hauler trailers. TIP: Car Haulers have an 8.5′ wide interior, which will give you plenty of space for your merchandise, workspace, and customers.
View some of the different models currently available at Norco Trailers Below:
Pace American Outback Entry Level Enclosed Car Hauler Pace American Shadow GT Premium Race Trailer Pace American Shadow GT Premium Race Trailer Featherlite All-Aluminum 4926 Premium Car Hauler Featherlite All-Aluminum 4926 Premium Car Hauler
If you’re in the market for an enclosed cargo trailer for your business…Check out Norco Trailers HUGE selection of Quality National Name Brand trailers backed by 3+ year warranties…Or stop by anytime (Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm) for the best trailer buying experience and customer service in Southern California!
Not sure how to choose the right trailer for your business? Click Here for our Business’s Buyer’s Guide to Purchasing a Trailer!